середа, 27 березня 2024 р.

X + Y = mathematics of modern generations: who are boomers and buzzers and who should we expect next


X + Y = mathematics of modern generations: who are boomers and buzzers and who should we expect next


We are only talking about the modern generation of buzzers, but the meaning of the words “millennial” or “baby boomer” is not familiar to everyone. Although they have the same general concept - it is a characteristic name for a certain generation.

In 1991, the world was captivated by the theory of generations of American researchers. It has been proven that each new generation has certain common characteristics. According to the work Generations by William Strauss and Neil Gole, a generation changes every 20-25 years.

We will tell you more about generations and its modern varieties in the material.

What does “generation” mean?

A generation is usually called a group of people who were born and grew up in a certain period of time. The formation of which was influenced by various factors. The most common are considered to be historical events and the economic order in the country.

These properties determined the creation of common values, habits, and life views among people of a certain generation. Very often we don’t notice it, but in fact they have a significant impact on our lives: we have different communication styles, we set priorities and goals differently.

In simple terms, a generation is the similar behavior and values ​​of people of approximately the same age group.

Baby Boomers

mid 1940s - early 1960s

Baby boomers or the “rock and roll and illegal substances” generation.

This is the most romantic and courageous generation in history, which did not tell a fairy tale, but created it. The first flight into space and a walk on the Moon inspired them with the idea of ​​a bright future.

The post-war surge in birth rates caused the so-called “baby boom”. This is what the name of the generation hints at. They were the largest generation before the millennials. Baby Boomers can be considered very family-oriented people.

A common trait that Baby Boomers have in common is a winning mentality. Inspired by the victory in the war, they were motivated to change the world.

This is a generation with a high level of optimism. Patriotism also occupied a leading place in their lives; after the victory, they believed in the state. Post-war reconstruction brought with it a surge of collectivism and faith in the future.

So, you are a baby boomer if:

  • born between 1940-1960s
  • you have a high level of patriotism and love the team
  • optimist who believes in a better future
  • workaholic working for the benefit of the state
  • family is your highest value

Generation X

mid-1960s - early 1980s

Generations of “children with keys around their necks” or from the meaning of X - “Unknown”.

“Boomer” parents worked until late, while “Xers” had to take on responsibility for themselves: getting ready for school, studying homework, cooking, doing household chores. Because of this independence, Generation X began to be called the generation of “children with keys.”

Sociologists believe that this is a generation of single individualists focused on work and career growth, which is why among the “Xers” there are many workaholics who now occupy leading positions in companies.

It's no surprise that 55% of startup founders belong to Generation X. Generation X is called the middle child between the two greatest generations - boomers and millennials.

So, you are a “child with keys around his neck” if:

  • born between 1960-1980s
  • you always rely only on yourself
  • independent and responsible in everything
  • work and career are a priority

Generation Y

mid-1980s — mid-1990s

Millennials (those born between millennia) or the “social media” generation.

This is the first generation to learn about the Internet and its power. Generation Y grew up during the development of technology and social networks.

They do not put a prestigious job and career like the X's in first place. They are more likely to have a flexible schedule and development in different areas. “Greeks” will not work for 30 years in a company in order to rise through the ranks of a certain profession.

This is the first generation for whom it is not necessary to know everything in the world; it is worth just knowing where to find the necessary information on the Internet.

They are energetic and easily adapt to anything. In addition, the focus is primarily on spiritual wealth, not material wealth.

According to Time magazine, millennials are the “Me” generation who prioritize themselves and their development.

So, you are from “Generation Me” if:

  • born between 1980s and mid-1990s
  • self-development comes first for you
  • you adapt to everything very quickly
  • constantly looking for yourself and your place in the world


thread 1990s — 2010s

Generation Digital or “millennials on steroids”.

This is a generation that does not remember a time without phones and the Internet.

Buzzers are the youth of today and the future of our state. Sociologists predict that this generation will become the most entrepreneurial. In speed and mental development they are ahead of the previous generation. Like millennials, buzzers value diversification and self-expression.

For them, the limit of the real and virtual world is practically erased, because the entire technological process has been with them almost from birth.

Their common goal is to fight inequality and destroy social stereotypes. This generation is admired for its consciousness and desire to change the world from a young age. A prime example of this is Greta Thunberg, a Swedish environmental activist.

So, you are a zoomer if:

  • born between the late 1990s and 2010s
  • Since childhood you have had a page on social networks
  • used to destroying all stereotypes and defending my opinion
  • trying to make this world a better place

Are buzzers the latest generation?

American researchers wrote: “The alphabet ends with the letter “Z,” what next? Definitely “A”. This is where the cycle of generations comes in handy. According to Australian demographer Mark McCrindle, the buzzer generation (Z) is already gradually being replaced by another generation - the alpha (A).

It is assumed that from now on the names of future generations will be named in Greek alphabetical order. That is, after alphas (A), perhaps there will be betas (B).

Generation A is our future

According to the work of Mark McCrindle, Generation A are children born after 2010 (until 2025).

“Alpha” is the first letter of the Greek alphabet, so this generation is entrusted with a considerable mission: to create a new world. If buzzers are the future of the modern economy, then alphas are our future in all its spheres.

Sociologists suggest that the alpha generation will be even smarter, become more adaptive to new living conditions and completely get rid of all racial and gender stereotypes in different areas of life.

Also in terms of global wealth, Generation Alpha is predicted to be the richest generation in history. In addition, Generation A will be the first generation to be born entirely in the 21st century.

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