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Показ дописів із міткою crypto trading. Показати всі дописи

понеділок, 8 січня 2024 р.

**Cryptocurrency Wallet Generator/Checker.**


**Генератор/перевірка криптовалютного гаманця.**

14 квітня 2019 р

**Генератор/перевірка криптовалютного гаманця.**

*Zedx3-4 хвилини 12.09.2022*

Привіт всім. Продовжуємо дискусію про блокчейн і криптовалюти.

Оскільки це не конкурс статей, я надам лише найнеобхідніше:

Доступ до облікового запису/криптовалютного гаманця надається через 256-бітний закритий ключ. Для зручності користувачів був розроблений стандарт BIP39, що представляє собою набір слів (від 12 до 24), які легко запам'ятовуються, відомі як мнемонічна фраза або початкова фраза. Він описує метод представлення закритого ключа в цій мнемонічній фразі. Оскільки приватний ключ є впорядкованим рядком із 256 біт, слова фрази мають бути в певному порядку. У словнику є 2048 слів для генерації початкової фрази.

Щоб отримати доступ до свого гаманця, вам потрібна правильно складена початкова фраза. Імовірність вгадати правильну фразу для наявного гаманця вкрай низька через величезну кількість можливостей. Тим не менш, кожен може спробувати це. Можливо, маючи величезні ресурси, хтось виграє цю лотерею.

Цей шаблон генерує вихідні фрази та, отже, адреси для Bitcoin (BTC) та Ethereum (ETH). Для цього ми будемо використовувати бібліотеки NBitcoin і Nethereum відповідно. Уся магія відбувається в загальному коді, тому сам шаблон має мінімалістичний дизайн. Якщо необхідно, його можна змінити для інших монет, змінивши шлях виведення, де вказано ідентифікатор монети. Для початкової фрази ви можете вибрати мову ключових слів, а також кількість слів у фразі (12-24).

*Після генерації початкової фрази ми отримуємо з неї адресу (спосіб отримання заданої кількості адрес із початкової фрази розміщено в окремому блоці). Для BTC ви можете отримати адресу в 4 різних форматах - Bech32, P2SH, P2PKH стиснутий, P2PKH нестиснутий.*

За замовчуванням для мережі Ethereum вибрано Ethereum Mainnet. Щоб змінити мережу на будь-яку іншу в EVM, вам потрібно змінити ідентифікатор ланцюга та адресу сервера RPC у налаштуваннях. Наприклад, для основної мережі Binance Smart Chain: ChainID = 56 і RPC URL = https://bsc-dataseed.binance.org/

Дані для інших мереж можна знайти тут: https://chainlist.org/

*На останньому етапі ми перевіряємо баланси наших адрес. Для Bitcoin отримання балансу трохи складніше, ніж для мережі Ethereum, і є сумою всіх завершених транзакцій. Тому для цього ми будемо використовувати API блокчейну - QBit Ninja та його бібліотеку. Якщо вам цікаво, ви можете ознайомитися з його документацією та методами за посиланням: https://api.qbit.ninja/*

*Збережіть результат у файлі – і все!* Хоча, як згадувалося, для цього потрібні значні ресурси або велика удача. Проте я сподіваюся, що цей шаблон буде корисним для обмірковування реалізації ваших ідей.

*У папці шаблону знаходиться папка DLL. Вміст цієї папки потрібно розмістити за таким шляхом (може відрізнятися залежно від вашої версії ZennoPoster): C:\Program Files\ZennoLab\EN\ZennoPoster Pro V7\7.x.x.x\Progs\ExternalAssemblies*

**Cryptocurrency Wallet Generator/Checker.**  

*Zedx3-4 minutes 12.09.2022*

Hello, everyone. Continuing the discussion on blockchain and cryptocurrencies.

As this isn't an article competition, I'll provide only the essentials:

Access to an account/cryptocurrency wallet is granted through a 256-bit private key. For user convenience, the BIP39 standard was developed, representing a set of words (from 12 to 24) easy to remember, known as a mnemonic phrase or seed phrase. It describes the method of representing the private key in this mnemonic phrase. Since the private key is an ordered string of 256 bits, the words of the phrase must be in a specific order. There are 2048 words in the dictionary for generating a seed phrase.

To access your wallet, you need a correctly composed seed phrase. The probability of guessing the correct phrase for an existing wallet is extremely low due to the enormous number of possibilities. Nevertheless, anyone is free to attempt it. Perhaps, with immense resources, someone will win this lottery.

This template generates seed phrases, and consequently, addresses for Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH). For this purpose, we will use the NBitcoin and Nethereum libraries, respectively. All the magic happens in the common code, so the template itself has a minimalist design. If necessary, it can be modified for other coins by changing the derivation path, where the coin's id is specified. For the seed phrase, you can choose the language of keywords, as well as the number of words in the phrase (12-24).

*After generating the seed phrase, we get an address from it (a method for obtaining a specified number of addresses from a seed phrase is placed in a separate block). For BTC, you can get an address in 4 different formats - Bech32, P2SH, P2PKH compressed, P2PKH uncompressed.*

By default, Ethereum Mainnet is selected for the Ethereum network. To change the network to any other within the EVM, you need to change the Chain ID and RPC Server Address in the settings. For example, for the Binance Smart Chain Mainnet: ChainID = 56, and RPC URL = https://bsc-dataseed.binance.org/

Data for other networks can be found here: https://chainlist.org/

*At the last stage, we verify the balances of our addresses. For Bitcoin, obtaining the balance is a bit more complicated than for the Ethereum network and is the sum of all completed transactions. Therefore, for this, we will use the blockchain API - QBit Ninja and its library. If you are interested, you can familiarize yourself with its documentation and methods at the following link: https://api.qbit.ninja/*

*Save the result to a file – that's it!* Although, as mentioned, this requires significant resources or great luck. However, I hope that this template will be useful for contemplating the implementation of your ideas.

*In the template folder, there is a DLL folder. The contents of this folder need to be placed in the following path (may vary depending on your version of ZennoPoster): C:\Program Files\ZennoLab\EN\ZennoPoster Pro V7\7.x.x.x\Progs\ExternalAssemblies*

вівторок, 26 грудня 2023 р.

How To Add Monero (XMR) To Your MetaMask Wallet: A Step-by-Step Guide – Somsubhra


How To Add Monero (XMR) To Your MetaMask Wallet: A Step-by-Step Guide – Somsubhra

How To Add Monero (XMR) To Your MetaMask Wallet: A Step-by-Step Guide – Somsubhra

Learn how to securely add Monero (XMR) to your MetaMask wallet with this step-by-step guide. Monero, a privacy-focused cryptocurrency, offers a secure and anonymous way to transact, and using MetaMask enhances its accessibility. Explore the benefits of managing your XMR holdings with MetaMask and discover the supported wallets for Monero.

Monero, XMR, MetaMask, cryptocurrency, privacy, blockchain, wallet management, crypto trading, security, decentralized finance, digital assets

#Monero #XMR #MetaMask #Cryptocurrency #Privacy #Blockchain #WalletManagement #CryptoTrading #Security #DeFi #DigitalAssets

In this 9-11 minute read, delve into the process of adding Monero (XMR) to your MetaMask wallet, a secure method to manage and transact with this privacy-centric cryptocurrency. Explore the functionality of various Monero wallets, including Monero GUI, MyMonero, Cake Wallet, Ledger Nano S, Ledger Nano X, Trezor, Monerujo, Guarda, Exodus, and Atomic wallets. Learn about the user-friendly Monero wallet powered by Freewallet, catering to both beginners and experienced traders with advanced security features and multilingual support. Discover how popular apps like Monero Wallet, Coinbase, and Trust Wallet allow users to securely access and manage their Monero assets. Finally, clarify that Monero (XMR) is not an ERC20 token, as it operates on the independent CryptoNote protocol, not the Ethereum blockchain.

Cathy9-11 minutes

Adding Monero (XMR) to your MetaMask wallet is a great way to secure and manage your XMR holdings. Monero is an open-source, privacy-focused cryptocurrency that allows users to make transactions without revealing their identity and location. With MetaMask, you can easily store, send and receive Monero from any web browser or mobile app, making it a great choice for those looking to diversify their cryptocurrency portfolio. In this article, we’ll show you how to add Monero to your MetaMask wallet, as well as discuss the benefits of using a MetaMask wallet for managing your XMR holdings.

What Wallet Supports Monero?

What Wallet Supports Monero?
Photo by: https://allcrypto.com

A Monero GUI, MyMonero, Cake Wallet, Ledger Nano S, Ledger Nano X, Trezor, Monerujo, Guarda, Exodus, and Atomic wallets are just a few of the best wallets for Monero, depending on the functionality of the wallet. Monero is not only accessible on these websites, but it can also be purchased, sold, traded, and swapped.

Users of the Monero wallet, which is powered by Freewallet, can manage their XMR funds safely and securely. With its user-friendly interface, it is ideal for those who are new to crypto trading as well as those who have experience. The wallet comes with a number of advanced security features that make it extremely secure. Furthermore, it is multilingual, making it a very appealing option for a wide range of users. The Monero wallet allows you to send, receive, and store XMR coins with ease. Furthermore, thanks to its advanced features, you can make transactions quickly and securely. If you want to keep your crypto funds safe while reaping the benefits of blockchain technology, Monero’s wallet is the best option. The XMR coin manager is a secure and convenient way to manage your coins that is both user-friendly and easy to use for both beginners and seasoned traders. You can get the wallet of your choice today and use it to conduct secure and quick transactions with the Monero wallet.

Securely Access And Manage Your Monero Assets With Popular Apps

Monero is a cryptocurrency that is gaining popularity among users in the digital world. Because of its growing popularity and adoption, users are seeking a reliable and secure way to manage and access their Monero assets. Monero is now available in a number of apps. Users of the Monero Wallet app, powered by Freewallet, can benefit from all of the best features of cryptocurrency wallets, including the ability to store money securely. Users can use it for both new cryptocurrency enthusiasts and experienced XMR traders. Furthermore, the wallet’s security is excellent, ensuring that your assets remain safe and secure. Monero does not support Coinbase wallet, which is a shame. The only way to buy Monero is through Coinbase. Users of Trust Wallet can also purchase Monero in addition to using the app. If you want to receive Monero, enter the desired amount and then write your wallet address in the box provided. After receiving Monero to the address specified in your order, the Trust Wallet Token (BEP2) will be sent instantly after the network confirmation is received. In summary, Monero is an easy-to-use, reliable, and secure cryptocurrency that is gaining popularity in the digital sphere. Monero Wallet, Coinbase, and Trust Wallet are among the apps that support the cryptocurrency because of its growing popularity and adoption. Users can manage and purchase Monero assets using each of these apps, which include a wide range of features and capabilities.

Is Xmr An Erc20 Token?

Is Xmr An Erc20 Token?
Photo by: https://insidebitcoins.com

No, Monero (XMR) is not an ERC20 token. ERC20 tokens are built on the Ethereum blockchain, while Monero is built on the CryptoNote protocol. As a result, Monero is an independent cryptocurrency with its own independent blockchain, and is not built on Ethereum or compatible with ERC20 tokens.

Xmr: The Privacy Coin Of The Crypto Market

Because it is a one-of-a-kind type of digital token, privacy and anonymity are key aspects of Monero (XMR), which has grown in popularity in recent years. The XMR cryptocurrency was founded and is based on the blockchain technology concept, and it was created and distributed free of charge in 2014. Users can transact in cryptocurrencies with greater anonymity and security thanks to its enhanced anonymity and security. The XMR protocol is commonly referred to as a privacy coin due to its strong emphasis on protecting user information from unauthorized access and tracking. With its advanced encryption and privacy features, XMR is quickly becoming one of the most popular privacy coins in the crypto market.

Where To Store Monero Wallet?

Where To Store Monero Wallet?
Photo by: https://coinfunda.com

The best place to store your Monero wallet is on a secure, encrypted device such as a physical paper wallet, a hardware wallet, or a secure online wallet. A paper wallet is a physical document that contains your private keys and public address, and must be stored in a secure place, such as a safe deposit box or a bank vault. A hardware wallet is a USB device that stores your private keys and public address, and can be used to securely transfer funds from one wallet to another. Online wallets are web-based services that store your private keys and public address, and can be accessed from any web-enabled device. All of these options provide a secure way to store and access your Monero wallet.

Can You Store Monero Offline?

By using the most dependable hardware wallet, you can secure your Monero assets. Cold storage wallets, as their name suggests, are encrypted devices that store Monero assets offline, protecting users’ Monero assets from evolving threats via the Internet.

Secure & Private: Monero And Its Untraceable Transactions

Monero, a cryptocurrency that focuses on privacy, is one of the most popular. The goal of this cryptocurrency, which is open-source, is to provide users with greater privacy and security than other cryptocurrencies. Monero, as opposed to Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, is designed to be completely anonymous. Users can remain anonymous while making transactions with the sophisticated structure of its platform. The use of stealth addresses and ring signatures is essential in order to accomplish this.
Each transaction employs a one-time address generated by random allocation of stealth addresses. The public ledger is not able to identify the sender or receiver because they are hidden from public view. Ring signatures, on the other hand, add another layer of privacy by concealing the identity of the sender by mixing the transaction with other transactions in the signature. In this way, there is no possibility of tracing the transaction.
Monero has taken privacy and security to the next level by making transactions untraceable. Because stealth addresses and ring signatures are used to combine, it is impossible to trace a transaction between the sender and receiver. Because of this, Monero is becoming increasingly popular among people looking for a secure and private way to move money.

Can You Store Monero On Coinbase Wallet?

Coinbase does not support Monero.

Secure Your Monero With Binance: The Best Place For Xmr Trading And Staking

Binance offers a wide range of products to meet the needs of cryptocurrency traders of all skill levels. Binance, with its secure, user-friendly platform and extensive digital asset offerings, is an ideal location to store your Monero (XMR). XMR is not only available for purchase and sale, but it can also be used for passive income or traded for other digital currencies. Binance also has its own wallet, which ensures that your funds are secure and not jeopardized by third-party activity. Binance’s security protocols and user-friendly interface make it an excellent choice for any buyer, seller, or user looking to purchase, store, or use Monero.

Metamask Wallet

Metamask wallet is a browser extension that allows users to securely store, send and receive Ethereum-based digital assets. It also enables users to easily interact with decentralized applications (dApps). It is designed to be an easy-to-use and secure digital wallet that supports multiple cryptocurrencies. With Metamask, users can store their private keys in a secure environment, send and receive Ether and tokens, and securely sign transactions. The wallet also provides access to decentralized exchanges, allowing users to trade tokens with ease. Metamask is a great option for users who want to take part in the Ethereum ecosystem in a secure and easy manner.

Secure Your Crypto With Metamask: Easy Setup Guide

Choosing a crypto wallet requires more than just money; it also requires a high level of security. Coinbase is a popular choice among crypto users due to its high Value for Money score. Nonetheless, MetaMask is the clear winner when it comes to security level, making it the best choice for those who prioritize security. The MetaMask wallet can be obtained in a variety of ways. To create a MetaMask, navigate to Opensea.io, select Create, and then click Next. After that, click Connect, and everything is set up. It is important to remember that MetaMask is not a Bitcoin wallet. As a result, MetaMask is an Ethereum wallet, whereas Bitcoin is a blockchain wallet. If you send Bitcoin to an Ethereum address, it will not be accepted.

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